We love sharing who we are as a clinic and the people that make it what it is! For the next couple of months, we’ll be featuring the physical therapists in our various clinics! Today, you’ll meet our team member, Maya Velez!
Name: Maya Velez
Education: DPT from University of Montana, BA in Exercise Science from Willamette University.
Years with PT Northwest: 3 as a PT and 1 as an aide
Why did you choose PT as a career: I enjoy giving people the tools and knowledge to improve their general quality of life.
What’s your favorite part being a physical therapists? Seeing people get back to their hobbies without pain. Talking to patient about their dogs/cats and food.
Describe a typical day at work. Lots of small talk about weather and pets.
What has surprised you most about being a physical therapist? How much paperwork I have to do.
If you could tell patients or potential patients one thing about PT what would you tell them? PT is not always comfortable and we will challenge you.